The Lies Surrounding Your Pardon Information
The Parole Board of Canada (PBC) fails miserably to mention any of this information, especially that you are required to inform the PBC for the rest of your life where you live, and should you fail to do so, they can also revoke the “pardon.” So, as you can see, they reserve the right to rescind the “pardon” for just about any reason they see fit. The reader will also notice the constant use of the term “pardon” by the PBC, even though this is not a process or option available to any applicant. The PBC continually refers to record suspension as a “pardon” to continually reinforce their bogus and misleading narratives.
Firstly, the PBC continues to deny (as they have done over our two-year investigation) of informing foreign authorities of your “pardon,” which they most certainly do. In fact, they double down on this complete lie and continue with their bogus narratives. They have it done on their behalf by the RCMP.
This allows them to continually lie to folks under the guise that the PBC doesn’t do this; they have someone else (RCMP) do it.
This can be verified by Supt. Dan Jakel (Director, Criminal Records Repository Operations; [email protected]) who states the following: “Information sharing within Canada and with key foreign partners, such as the United States, is vital for ensuring Canada’s safety and security.”
In other words, the RCMP, on behalf of the PBC (record suspension process), informs any foreign authority they see fit that you have been granted a “pardon.” Bear in mind you will never be told this by anyone throughout the process; in fact, you will be told the exact opposite. You will find out with that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you are bamboozled at a border crossing and realize how the PBC just stabbed you in the back and violated your rights!
Secondly, the RCMP does not condone denying your past and encourages the individual to disclose their “pardon” to whoever asks. In response to one example we had mentioned regarding the PBC’s affirmation and endorsement of having the ‘lawful right to deny previous charges/convictions once the record suspension was granted,’ the RCMP disagrees with the recommendation as stated by Mr. Jakel: “The RCMP does not endorse this approach and cannot make individual recommendations on how to answer their questions.”
In other words, the RCMP does not condone denying your “pardon” (even though the PBC does) and will not tell you what to say. They do, however, condone informing others (whoever they want to be precise), even though it is against many of your (privacy, charter, and constitution) rights! They also condone not informing the applicant of their foreign disclosure. They also condone the PBC offering completely opposite advice. The RCMP is also well aware the USA (among others) does not recognize Canadian “pardons.” This means that the RCMP and PBC are well aware that the individual will now face scrutiny and have to disclose, to whoever asks, their “pardon” information. Naturally, neither could care less. So, what in the world is the purpose?
According to Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati, “This is most certainly a violation of your rights.”
Below is the information from the RCMP, which was like pulling teeth to obtain. This rhetoric is pure nonsense as you will notice. Their claim to informing the USA/foreign authorities on the applicant of a “pardon” “is vital for ensuring Canada’s safety and security.” That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Why in the world would Canada feel the need to inform the USA of one of their own citizens’ pardon in order to make themselves feel safe? It makes no sense and just demonstrates the level of corruption, ignorance, and lack of common sense or logic these folks operate under. If Canada feels so unsafe that they have to cry to the USA, among others, then why allow the pardon in the first place? Disgraceful!
“I would like to again say to them, to members of this committee and to the Canadian public that I take these incidents very seriously, and I will review all recommendations that could help us continue to improve the board’s decision-making.” –Jennifer Oades
Ms. Oades is a corrupt liar (former prison guard) who pushes bogus narratives to cover up her complete incompetence and that of the PBC, as seen herein and most recently in the murder case of Marylene Levesque, among others.
Ms. Oades refused to answer to any of the misleading information on the PBC website. She refused to correct the PBC website to offer truthful and transparent information. She refused to answer emails and assume accountability or any responsibility for lying and misleading thousands upon thousands of applicants by this draconian cash grab scam process every year.
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If Ms. Oades had any integrity, ethical standards, or honesty, she would run a transparent system for “pardons” and be honest with the applicants. Instead, people are misled, lied to, and end up with potentially more problems than when they started. This bogus pardon process could cause you more problems and headaches then it is worth. Save your money! It is nothing more than giving the false impression that people are getting somewhere by doing the “right thing.”
This process is like asbestos; it is better left untouched!
[email protected] – (613) 954-1154
The four additional liars that will mislead people with bogus and factually false information, both in writing and on the telephone at the Parole Board of Canada, are as follows:
1 - Lisa Noseworthy – [email protected] – Acting Director, Clemency and Record Suspension Division | (613) 954-5973
“The information provided to you by the PBC was correct; the PBC does not share information with the U.S. government with regard to pardoned or suspended criminal records.” –Lisa Noseworthy doubling down on her bogus lies to Canadians!
2 - Christy Hitchcock – [email protected] – Acting Director, Clemency and Record Suspension Division | (613) 957-7728
“...the record suspension sets the suspended criminal record separate and apart from other criminal records; therefore, it does not erase a convicted offense.”
“..the PBC does not usually undertake to inform police services, and does not inform international criminal justice partners that a record suspension has been granted…this is within the purview of the RCMP.” –Christy Hitchcock outlining how futile this process is and doubling down on her lies and confusion!
3 - Natasha Levesque-Hill – [email protected] – Chairperson’s Office | (613) 954-5933 or (613) 954-7482
“Once again, I can confirm this is not the case, and Ms. Noseworthy will indicate the same in her written response letter to you.” –Just another PBC executive doubling down on their misinformation and lies!
4 - Daryl Churney – [email protected] – Executive Director General, Chairperson’s Office | (613) 954-1153
“...information with regard to a pardoned or suspended criminal record is not shared by the PBC with foreign government officials. The PBC only shares this information with Canadian federal or provincial/territorial agencies.”
“..and this notification process is therefore currently under review by the RCMP.” From Aug 25th, 2020, we never did hear back! –Daryl Churney lost, confused and doubling down on his bogus lies to Canadians.
Make no mistake; all of these people will lie and mislead you. They will double down on their lies even when confronted with the truth, facts of the truth, and unequivocal evidence of the truth. The revenue and perception they “sell” you is far more important to them. This is pure government corruption. All of these folks at the PBC are absolutely undeniable liars!
5 - Supt. Dan Jakel – [email protected] – Director, Criminal Records Repository Operations | (613) 949-2166
We were shocked that the most forthright and honest information came from the corrupt, negligent, and incompetent RCMP. At least they had the wherewithal to admit that they stab every applicant in the back on behalf and at the request of the PBC. Well done, guys!