Helping Pardon Seekers Know the Truth

An Organization Shedding Light on Canada’s Parole System

The Country’s Pardon Process — Misinformation and Deception

Are you considering to apply for a “pardon” in Canada? Read this first!

Note: For the purposes of the information herein, we will use the term pardon” to refer to the present-day record suspension process.

Our Mission

To provide factual, transparent, and pertinent information we feel every “pardon” applicant would want to know before applying, but doesn’t! We are not-for-profit or nonprofit; there are no monetary aspects or ulterior motives to what we do. We freely volunteer time to deliver true, factual information. We are a group of individuals who take a stance against government violations, tyranny, and corruption, such as this. We bring to light the dishonesty and detriments of this bogus “pardon” process and how it may hinder the individual/applicant. We provide accurate, factual, and detailed information on how the Parole Board of Canada and their third-party facilitators mislead, lie, and deceive tens of thousands of applicants each and every year.

Our Purpose

is to share information in order to equip every potential applicant with the facts and truth required to make an informed decision on whether a “pardon” is for them or not. We do this as the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) remains steadfast on handing out misinformation, bogus information, and complete lies.

The process has changed to a record suspension, which is not the same thing; it is entirely different. To start with, there is no longer a true pardon offered in Canada. It has been defunct for about a decade yet is still referred to as a “pardon” by the PBC. It is a record suspension that comes with several hitches and hidden agendas. This process can be very damaging, and potentially, no way helpful as the PBC habitually lies and misleads the applicant. This process is purely for monetary gain. There is between 80,000 to 100,000 applicants each year. The majority of which utilize a third-party facilitator. This amounts to over $130 million a year in revenue just for applications; this doesn’t include waivers, additional services, and fees. It also doesn’t include the $22 million-plus a year injected from the federal government (taxpayers) to further support this bogus program. The federal government’s recent view on past individual convictions is: “they no longer find it prudent to grant an individual a true pardon, which once exonerated, absolved, and vindicated the individual of previous convictions.”

Understand your “privacy, charter, and constitutional rights” will be violated by partaking in this draconian and deviant process.

So, the first thing to note is the PBC will inform foreign authorities of your so-called “pardon.” The office of the chairperson (Jennifer Oades and Lisa Noseworthy) will bald-face lie to you and claim they do not do this. However, they have the RCMP do it; thus, they feel this misleading lie is therefore justified and not dishonest, and somehow forthright. So, any country you have ever travelled to (USA and etc.) will be informed of your “pardon.” You will find this out once you attempt to cross the border. Although you are permitted to “lawfully deny interaction, arrest, charges, and convictions by Police,” once the “pardon” is granted, the PBC will bamboozle and shock you with the fact that they provide this information without your knowledge, making you into a complete liar to foreign countries/border crossing officials; in all likelihood, you will be denied access to said country for being a liar. The PBC will also adamantly deny and continue to deny this fact. They will remain steadfast on this lie!

This is what the Canadian government does; make no mistake of this fact! You will then be applying for a waiver or denied entry to a foreign country based on the fact you received a “pardon.” This is an absolute fact and can be verified by contacting Supt. Dan Jakel, the director of the Criminal Records Repository Operations of the RCMP, at [email protected] to verify this. We have this fact in writing from the RCMP and can provide it.

So, if you are considering obtaining a “pardon,” there are a few preliminary facts you should know prior to setting the wheels in motion:

The first fact is there is no such thing as a “pardon.” The government and their cooperating agencies still mislead people by calling the process a “pardon.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

The second fact is there is a great likelihood you will be worse off after this process than before. 74% of applicants apply with minor summary (misdemeanour) convictions. In the majority of these cases, very few individuals encountered travel or lifestyle limitations prior. However, after the process, it will be an entirely different situation for them.

Therefore, much information surrounding the PBC and third-party facilitators as well as the information they offer is simply bogus.

Third, a record suspension (or “pardon”) can be revoked or cease to have effect if you are:

  • Convicted of a new indictable offence, or in some cases, a summary offence;
  • Found to no longer be of good conduct;
  • Found to have made a false or misleading statement or hidden information when you applied;
  • Found to have been ineligible for a record suspension at the time the record suspension was ordered; and
  • Found to have moved without notifying the PBC for the remainder of your life.

If a record suspension is revoked or ceases to have effect, the record of the offence/s are added back into the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database.

NB – They fail to mention in the website information, or anywhere else for that matter, that you are required to inform the PBC for the rest of your life where you live, and should you fail to do so, they can also revoke the “pardon” for that reason as well. You will be tethered to the PBC for the remainder of your life when you had nothing to do with them prior to.