3rd Party Facilitators

Understanding Pardon or Record Suspension

A common practice is for individual applicants to seek out the assistance of third-party facilitators to assist them in their application process.

You will notice the majority, if not all, of these outfits try to accomplish two things in order to mislead the applicant:

Firstly, they try to make their name sound as if you are dealing with an entity, department, or arm of the federal government. For example: “PardonsCanada.ca,” “ServicesofCanada.com,” “ServicesofCanada.help,” “Commissionaires.ca,” “Pardons.org,” “FederalPardons&WaiverServices.ca,” and so on...

Secondly, they often make it known that they are a “charity” or “nonprofit” organization. Both are done to convince the applicant they can “rest assured, you are in good trustworthy hands” with these people. More often than not, this is a bald-faced lie and can be verified as such by contacting the John Howard Society and/or the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA). They can both verify these outfits are not “nonprofit charities.”

What people need to understand is these are businesses like any other; they are bought and sold in business to make money. They are in business to sell you, not help you. The third-party facilitators are often ignorant to the true process. Why the Parole Board of Canada does nothing about these bogus, misleading outfits just lends itself to what a corrupt, bogus, and dishonest board they are.

The PBC and its chairperson Jennifer Oades, in fact, condone the misinformation of the third-party facilitators. They condone their misleading information as it takes the onus off them having to justify or substantiate to the applicant a reason for obtaining a “pardon” in the first place. The PBC and its chairperson are well aware of the misinformation spread by third parties. If it weren’t for these lies, there would be little to no reason for anyone to waste their time, effort, and money obtaining a “pardon.”

“Technically, pardons are not still available in Canada, but a record suspension does the same thing as a pardon. In addition, there is a limited situation in which a person may receive a pardon instead of a record suspension.” –Jennifer Oades, Aug 10, 2018
– Another bogus lie!